Be a Gate Keeper!

In order to live a victorious life in Jesus Christ we must be watchman over our hearts.

This means being careful what we look at with our eyes and what we listen to with our ears. Unless we need to know information for the purpose of prayer scriptures tell us to be innocent concerning evil. In other words we don’t (unless specifically called to) fill our minds with specifics of demonic worldly activity.

The Bible says that as a man thinks in his heart so is he. ( Proverbs 23:7) The word for “think” in this scripture is translated as Shawar which means to split open or gatekeeper.

To paraphrase : as a man being a gate keeper over his mind so he is in his thinking and being.

The Bible tells us about gate keepers who were watchman that kept a look out for wolves and enemy attacks. When the gate keeper saw that an enemy was approaching he sounded the alarm which rallied the people to take up arms of defense.

Allegorically speaking this verse implies that whatever we let into our heart; that is mind, will, emotions or feelings is what will be the out come of our actions and the destiny of our life.

So if we watch and listen to worldly entertainment (enemy devices) then we will soon act and behave like what we are letting into our heart or soul. We will end up being worldly. No different than the unsaved. This is not God’s will for our lives. The Holy Spirit in his word has given us all the information that we need to live a holy life that is well pleasing to God.

The Bible tells us that Christians are to be separate from the world. We are called to think on good things that are godly and worthy of our Lord. The reason the Lord told us to meditate on his word day and night was so that we would be conformed to his word and not the world.

Putting on Christ is putting on the word of God for Jesus is the living word made flesh.

If we think God’s thoughts written in the Bible then we will think and act the way God wants us to act.

Worldly thoughts or worldly ideas are seeds that will grow into tares and choke out the word of God planted in our heart. We must be careful gatekeepers so that we can cast down all high and lofty thoughts exalting themselves against the knowledge of God and bring captive all our thoughts to line up with the truth of scriptures.

Christians who watch worldly programs become indoctrinated with worldly ideas. This is why many Christians live defeated lives. Listening to Satan’s worldly system keeps many bound to the world so that they become filled with unbelief and start to explain away the Bible.

The Bible tells us to cast down imaginations and high thoughts exalting themselves against the word of God. Misconceptions and distortions in our mind that do not agree with the Bible need to be cast down. In other words we don’t receive them and rather replace those thoughts with what God says in the Bible.

Satan always comes with his lies. Has God really said that? Are you sure he really meant that? Didn’t he really mean this?

If God said it in his word then it’s TRUE. Any voice disagreeing with the Bible is satan’s voice and we need to cast down those demonic thoughts!

If God says he is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we can ask or think then that’s exactly what is true. If we are not living up to that standard then we need to examine ourselves as scriptures say. Are we really in the faith? Are we trusting and relying on God for everything or are we swaying like a reed in the wind? Tossed to and fro with a double mind. Limiting God so that he cannot do any mighty works in our life?

God’s word says that I am righteous because of Jesus Christ. God’s word says that I am more than a conqueror through Christ who loves me and gave himself for me. God’s word says I am the head and not the tail. God’s word says he will lead me in his ways and into his paths as I put my trust in him. God’s word says he came to give me an abundant life.

So who are we going to believe? Mr. Devil and his balcony or the word of the living God?

Victory is sure to those who have their minds transformed by God’s word for as we think in our hearts so shall we be.

Be a gatekeeper of your heart! Guard your heart with all diligence for out of your heart or spirit proceeds life. Don’t let the thief steal, kill and destroy you!

Put the word in your heart and then you will think like God wants you to think and act like God wants you to act and be what God wants you to be !

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