Things Christians Cannot Do !

Did you know that the Lord tells us in his word that there are some things as Christians that we cannot do?

If we do these things then we cannot inherit eternal life. Now I know some preachers will tell you that it’s okay if you live after the fallen nature and make it to heaven but I’m not one of them.

If the word says it then it’s TRUE no matter who says other wise. Now you can give me all kinds of doctrinal leans that skip over these truths but I for one am not buying it and in my opinion its awfully foolish to reject God’s word in favor of somebody’s opinion.

I am a grace preacher but what separates me from some grace preachers is that I believe scriptures teach that if you are truly born of God then you will live like you are truly born of God.

The Holy Spirit’s job is not just to comfort us when we are going through trials but also to instruct us in righteousness, convict us of sin and remind us of God’s judgment for those who LIVE AFTER the fallen nature. John 16:8

So let’s examine the scriptures concerning what we cannot do as Christians and make it to heaven.

We cannot drink of the Lord’s cup and the cup of devils nor can we sit at the Lord’s table and also at the table of devils. (1 Cor. 10:20)

In other words eating and drinking communally with Satan’s kingdom and also in God’s kingdom, such as watching demonically inspired movies, hanging out in Satan’s den of debauchery, participating in demonic activities of any kind then going to church on Sunday and maybe a prayer meeting or two.

No, it’s either one or the other. Remember that Jesus said if we are luke warm he will spew us out of his mouth. We have to make a choice. God or the devil.

We cannot serve two masters. We cannot serve money, worldly affairs or any thing contrary to God’s word and serve God too. Again it’s a choice we have to make. Following after worldly success and ambitions or God’s agenda. (Matthew 6:24)

We cannot love the world and have God’s love in us too. If we love anything more than God then we cannot have God’s love flowing through us.

If we don’t put God first in our lives then we will not be able to have his full love and devotion to give to others. We reap what we sow in life. It’s as simple as that. (1 John 2:15, 16)

We cannot walk in darkness and in the light too. Sounds only obvious but in actuality when we sin we open our lives up to darkness and give Satan place in our lives. When Satan has place then he wants more place. Pretty soon the light that was in us becomes crowded out with darkness. ( 1 John 1:16,17 Matthew 6:23)

We cannot serve God and mammon too. Now money in and of itself is not evil. If Money is used by God and for God then money is in its proper place BUT if we serve money by letting it be our master then it becomes mammon. An idolatrous idol. We cannot serve two masters. (Matthew 6:24)

In conclusion, scriptures make it clear that we must choose who we will serve. The first commandment tells us to love God first above anything else. To do other wise reveals we do not really belong to God anyway. (Luke 10:27)

Do you have a decision to make today? (Joshua 24: 14,15)

If any man sin we have an advocate with the Father; Jesus Christ the righteous. (1 John 2:1,2)

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