Seek And You Will Find!

In John Chapter 4 is the story of the Samaritan women who encountered Jesus at Jacob’s well.

Now there are many symbolisms in this story but I am going to zone in on something in particular.

Notice how it was Jesus who approached the Samaritan woman first. It was he who sought her out.

Jesus got the attention of the Samaritan woman by asking her to give to him a drink of water.

The woman was flabbergasted. Why would this man be asking me for anything?

Jesus in effect did more than just approach a woman he did not know (which was not a common occurrence in Israel) but he also offered that woman to partake of his living water.

Notice how Jesus calls this woman going about her daily life. This woman probably had a whole bunch of things on her mind and was not exactly expecting to see the Messiah that day. She was however seeking him out and was just about to get her answer.

According to the gospel of John it was important for Jesus to go to Samaria.

And he must needs go through Samaria.”

Jesus had an appointment.

The very first thing that Jesus does is go to Jacob’s well. There he meets the Samaritan women.

After the Samaritan women asked Jesus why he would ask her for anything Jesus replied, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that I am then you would have asked me for living water.”

Jesus was pointing out to the Samaritan women that he was the gift being sent to her. Coming along at a time in her life when she was not expecting it.

Jesus had a divine appointment with this Samaritan women. An encounter that was about to change her life.

Jesus watching the Samaritan women draw water asks her for a drink and then he offers to the Samaritan women his living water. He tells the Samaritan woman that if she drinks of his living water then she will never thirst again. Jesus also tells the Samaritan women that his living water would spring up for her into everlasting life.

Right away the Samaritan women replied. “Give to me this water so I don’t have to come here and draw water any more.

Women had to walk a long ways sometimes to get water. Then they had to walk back home again carrying the heavy vessel filled with that water. In effect what the Samaritan women was asking is for Jesus to take her burden. She was worn out. Life for her had not been easy.

Knowing this Jesus asked her. “Give me to drink.”

Even in her own struggles this Samaritan women took the time to minister to the need of another.

Jesus then let the Samaritan women know that he understood her problems. He revealed her life story. This then caused the Samaritan woman to realize that Jesus had supernatural ability to help her.

When Jesus revealed to the Samaritan women that he knew her heart issue he also revealed to her the solution.

Jesus pointed out that all the husbands that the Samaritan woman had in her lifetime were a poor substitute for the need she really had which was to be loved and cared for.

One can only imagine the harsh life the Samaritan woman must have had. No body could have had that many husbands without some sort of hardship going on.

Jesus in effect was pointing out that if the Samaritan woman drank his living water then her heart’s need would be met.

The Samaritan women was looking for Messiah. She knew that Messiah was to come. She even acknowledged that Messiah had the answer to her problems.

When Messiah comes he will tell us all these things.

Jesus answered. “I am the one you are looking for.”

Jesus told the Samaritan women the answer to her life’s longing. What she needed was to worship God in the Spirit. She needed to come to him to have living water. Only his living water could satisfy the longing of her heart.

When the Samaritan women recognized that Jesus was indeed the Messiah she could not help but share the good news. She ran to tell everyone about Jesus and his ability to help them with their problems too. He was the Messiah they had been waiting for!

There is something important I would like to point out about this encounter at Jacob’s well.

The Samaritan women was a seeker. She was thirsty for Messiah to come. She wanted to have his living water to ease the burdens in her life.

Jesus was sent to the Samaritan women. He sought her out because she was looking for him. She was thirsty for Messiah to tell her the things she needed to know. The Samaritan woman knew Messiah had all the answers!

Encumbered by her heavy load and searching for answers the Samaritan Women had the right heart condition to be open to the gospel message.

Jesus did this same thing with the people who were seeking him when they were hungry. He saw their need and wanted to meet their need. He asked the disciples. Do you have any bread? Mark 8:16

When a blind man sought out Jesus he asked him, “What is it you want me to do? “ Mark 10:51

Again when a crippled man wanted to be healed Jesus said. “Take up your bed and walk.” John 5:8

Notice the pattern?

Seek. Ask. Do. Miracle.

Are you seeking God for something? Are you thirsty? Heavy burdened? Sick? Hungry? In need of a miracle?

Then Jesus has an appointment with you today! He says I am the one you are seeking for. I am the Messiah. I am the one able to meet your need.

Give to me your heart. I am knocking. I am here to help you. I know your problems, struggles, life issues.

Come to me in faith. Believe that I am and that I am able to help you. Turn to me with all your heart. I will give you living water to drink that will spring forth into eternal life.

For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” Matthew 7:8

Seek. Ask. Do. Get your miracle.

3 thoughts on “Seek And You Will Find!

  1. I enjoyed this post Kim, you make some excellent points here. I also posted on the Samaritan woman in my “Encounters With The Messiah ” series recently. God bless you sister.

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