Hyper Grace is for Hyper Sinners!

What is hyper grace?

A phrase being thrown around in Christian circles today is “Hyper grace.”

Grace can be “hyper” to Christians who are not in need of hyper grace but from my perspective I need all the grace I can get !

Let’s examine the doctrine of grace in a hyper grace mode shall we?

Hyper means to be really active with energy and grace (charis in the Greek) according to the Bible is the divine influence on the heart which is freely given not by merit but by God’s sovereign power.

In other words grace is the enabling power of the Holy Spirit to help those born of God to be over comers of this world through faith since grace works through faith.

Well, what do you know! Energetic active grace by God’s Holy Spirit enables Christians to be over-comers! What are we supposed to be overcoming? Scriptures tell us it’s the world, the devil AND the flesh or ungodly desires of the soul realm and body.

So if anybody ever needed hyper grace it would be the hyper sinner! True grace is active with God’s energy. Just so you know all life operates by energy and even scientists don’t fully understand it.

As Christians we know that scriptures tell us that all things are held together by God’s power or energy.

Grace is activated by faith so if you need God’s grace to over come in this life then call on him to extend his grace to you. God’s grace will energize your heart to trust him to do what he has promised in his word to do.

If scriptures say that there is no power that can take you out of the Lord’s hand then that’s a fact. If scriptures say that you are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ who strengthens you then that’s a fact. If scriptures tell you that grace abounds to the sinner then that’s a fact!

Next time some one tells you that you belong to the hyper grace camp just smile and nod because God’s grace is the active power of his Holy Spirit that will give you victory over every sin and every demonic attack. All you have to do is believe through faith in that fact and God will work his grace into your life!

Hyper grace for hyper sinners!

What is a Religious Spirit ?

What does it mean to have a religious spirit ?

That phrase is thrown around a lot in some Christian circles today so let’s just examine it from a Biblical perspective.

What does the Bible say about religion? According to Acts 26:5
Religion means (thrēskeia )ceremonial observance or traditional way of doing things.

Paul was a Pharisee who practiced the religion of a particular sect. (Heresy is the Greek word for sect.) A sect is a choice, a party, disunion.

In other words the Pharisees were a formally constituted by choice, and religious group that formed a ruling body over the society.

A Pharisee is a separatist belonging to a sect. One who separates in religious observance from other groups.

Galatians 1:13 scripture tells us that Paul practiced the Pharisee sect which transferred the precepts and traditions of ceremonial ordinances and laws according to their sectarian disunion from other groups.

Now that we know what a religious Pharisee is let us find out why Jesus was in conflict with them.

John the Baptist called the Pharisees and Sadducee vipers. ( Matthew 23:33 ) A viper strikes suddenly and injects poison into the body of its victim. So John was pointing out that these sects injected religion or their ceremonial observances into people which he considered to be poisonous.

In other words what the religious people of his time were doing was indoctrinating their deadly heresy into others rather than the pure word of God.

What was the deadly heresies that the Pharisees were teaching?

Jesus pointed out some of them.

In his parables and encounters with the religious people of his day he pointed out that the Pharisees were separatist elitists in their practice. They had ridged ways of doing things that did not have grace for any one else’s method.

These religious people looked down on any one who did not conform to their way of thinking. The Pharisee or religious spirit is a practicing elitist. One who separates in form from any one different than they are.

The religious spirit hates non conformity. If you are different with a different gift or calling watch out because the religious spirit will strike like a viper! The religious spirit is very territorial.

The religious spirit separates from non conformists and does not like to keep company with them. If you don’t do things their way then you are not welcome.

Jesus many times pointed out to the religious leaders that they were hypocrites. Claiming to belong to God the religious spirit in actuality is serving Satan. Why? Because self will, self exaltation, and self centerness is Satan’s nature, not God’s nature.

True Christian’s are led by the Holy Spirit not by a sectarian rule book. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin in order to bring change in the heart by his love while the religious spirit brow beats and tries to force conformity to their way of doing things.

Another thing scriptures point out about the religious or Pharisee spirit is that it is jealous of those who walk closely with God . The religious spirit will always attack the spiritual person because of jealousy.

Why is the religious spirit jealous? Simply because the true Christian is led by God and not by them. The religious spirit can see that those who walk in the Holy Spirit are led of God and non conformist to the agenda of someone else . This infuriates the religious spirit.

The religious spirit will always cherry pick the Bible for their own agenda. Jesus said that the Pharisees strained at gnats while swallowing camels. They fussed over every dot and crossing of T’s in the Bible but didn’t seem to see the more important things that Jesus tried to point out to them like loving people and helping them out.

The religious spirit prefers ceremonial practices and while this may be in a traditional frame work it can also come from a Corinthian mind set as well. The religious spirit in a Corinthian church setting also has rules and ways of doing things according to their way of thinking.

Many times the religious spirit in the Corinthian church will reject the more practical type of Christian who loves to serve and wait on tables but will also oppose others not conforming to their agenda. The Corinthian religious spirit will look down on others as being less spiritual than they are.

The Pharasee according to Jesus will also put burdens on others that they won’t carry themselves. The religious spirit will many times require you to live a certain way or do a certain thing that they themselves don’t do. In other words the religious spirit doesn’t practice what it preaches.

The religious spirit will also brow beat others in their religiosity but fail to apply mercy and grace. Their ways are higher than God’s ways! They have all the answers and if you don’t like their way of doing things well you are just not welcome into their little camp.

We Christian’s throw around the religious spirit doctrine alot when we don’t like to listen to someone else’s view point and have our own heart examined. Sectarianism is a principle attribute of the religious spirit.

Finally, the Pharisees wanted to kill Jesus the Bible tells us. Sounds pretty harsh but the religious spirit hates the agenda of the kingdom of God. Notice how the Pharisees conspired to take Jesus and hand him over to Rome because they were afraid of loosing their place! (John 11)

The religious spirit on pretence will attack a true Christian because of their perverted version of truth but in reality it’s because the religious spirit knows when the Holy Spirit comes on the scene it’s got to get out of the way. The religious spirit loses its place!

No more running the show! No more praises of men! No more fleesing the sheep! No more control !

So how do you know if you are really dealing with a religious spirit?

Look for the signs !

You will be disliked, trying to control you and conform you, jealous of your walk with God, nit picking you with scriptures taken out of context to brow beat and condemn you, telling you to do something they don’t do and finally rejecting you if you don’t conform to their way of thinking.

The religious spirit is a crafty one. Residing in churches, institutions and even family and friends but be of good cheer because just like Jesus overcame the religious spirit so can we !

How? Jesus resurrection power put the religious spirit in its place. Oh, the religious spirit may deny Holy Spirit power and come against it but will never be able to counterfeit it. The religious spirit will never be able to stop Holy Spirit power either for greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world !

The best way to deal with the religious spirit is to depend on the Holy Spirit !

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Things Christians Cannot Do !

Did you know that the Lord tells us in his word that there are some things as Christians that we cannot do?

If we do these things then we cannot inherit eternal life. Now I know some preachers will tell you that it’s okay if you live after the fallen nature and make it to heaven but I’m not one of them.

If the word says it then it’s TRUE no matter who says other wise. Now you can give me all kinds of doctrinal leans that skip over these truths but I for one am not buying it and in my opinion its awfully foolish to reject God’s word in favor of somebody’s opinion.

I am a grace preacher but what separates me from some grace preachers is that I believe scriptures teach that if you are truly born of God then you will live like you are truly born of God.

The Holy Spirit’s job is not just to comfort us when we are going through trials but also to instruct us in righteousness, convict us of sin and remind us of God’s judgment for those who LIVE AFTER the fallen nature. John 16:8

So let’s examine the scriptures concerning what we cannot do as Christians and make it to heaven.

We cannot drink of the Lord’s cup and the cup of devils nor can we sit at the Lord’s table and also at the table of devils. (1 Cor. 10:20)

In other words eating and drinking communally with Satan’s kingdom and also in God’s kingdom, such as watching demonically inspired movies, hanging out in Satan’s den of debauchery, participating in demonic activities of any kind then going to church on Sunday and maybe a prayer meeting or two.

No, it’s either one or the other. Remember that Jesus said if we are luke warm he will spew us out of his mouth. We have to make a choice. God or the devil.

We cannot serve two masters. We cannot serve money, worldly affairs or any thing contrary to God’s word and serve God too. Again it’s a choice we have to make. Following after worldly success and ambitions or God’s agenda. (Matthew 6:24)

We cannot love the world and have God’s love in us too. If we love anything more than God then we cannot have God’s love flowing through us.

If we don’t put God first in our lives then we will not be able to have his full love and devotion to give to others. We reap what we sow in life. It’s as simple as that. (1 John 2:15, 16)

We cannot walk in darkness and in the light too. Sounds only obvious but in actuality when we sin we open our lives up to darkness and give Satan place in our lives. When Satan has place then he wants more place. Pretty soon the light that was in us becomes crowded out with darkness. ( 1 John 1:16,17 Matthew 6:23)

We cannot serve God and mammon too. Now money in and of itself is not evil. If Money is used by God and for God then money is in its proper place BUT if we serve money by letting it be our master then it becomes mammon. An idolatrous idol. We cannot serve two masters. (Matthew 6:24)

In conclusion, scriptures make it clear that we must choose who we will serve. The first commandment tells us to love God first above anything else. To do other wise reveals we do not really belong to God anyway. (Luke 10:27)

Do you have a decision to make today? (Joshua 24: 14,15)

If any man sin we have an advocate with the Father; Jesus Christ the righteous. (1 John 2:1,2)


The Salt Of The Earth!

Why Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt?

I think the Lord was trying to make a statement like, “I have now cleansed the land.”

Repentance will often lead to tears of sorrow. The salt in our tears are heart cleansing so after a good heart wrenching cry of repentance the soul is cleansed by God.

Our tears also have a physical effect on our body. Scientific studies have shown that tears help the body recover from stress by excreting excess proteins and the cortisol hormone which can be damaging to the body in excess. Emotional tears also release endorphins responsible for reducing pain and improving mood.

Salt cleanses from disease. Our bodies have a perfect balance of salt and water. If we don’t have enough salt in our system then disease may rear it’s ugly head. It’s the same with sin. Sin is a deadly disease. Not only can it kill physically but it can kill spiritually.

That is why the Lord calls his church to be the salt of the earth. As long as God’s people are here there is healing and salvation. But what happens if the salt looses its saltiness? Sin creeps into society and the world becomes perverted. Only salt purifies and preserves.

The ungodly can trod all over the world when there is an unsalty church and that is why we are exhorted by the Lord to be like salt. Be life preserving. Bring the salt to a sin infected world. Bring to others the cleansing of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

Be the salt of the earth.

Faithful is He Who Has Promised!

Sometimes as Christians we can find ourselves stuck in situations that we really don’t like ! I know from personal experience that making a big fuss over it usually does not help to change the situation and in fact may even make things worse.

It is not necessary either to let yourself be a sitting duck . You don’t have to just suck it up if circumstance is causing you grief. There is nothing more dis-empowering than feeling there is no way out.

How long have you prayed for your situation to change and it hasn’t? Getting frustrated and ready to throw in the towel? Well, there is good news that you might need to hear.

None of us are guaranteed a continual life of milk and honey in this life. Jesus made it quite clear in his word that in this world we will have tribulation. However, the Lord did promise that as he overcame trials in this world so can we.

Going to the cross was a very difficult circumstance for the Lord. Jesus had to yield to unpleasantness and a lot of hardship but he endured, scriptures tell us, for the joy that lay ahead.

I am sure that Jesus really had to put his trust in the Father to bring him through his circumstance even though he felt forsaken and alone for a time. It couldn’t have been easy facing that kind of situation.

Being left in a forsaken place can cause the human mind to freak out a bit but the truth of the matter is that God is with us in our circumstance even though it doesn’t feel like it to us sometimes. When trouble comes our first inclination is to start to be afraid and maybe even feel angry.

God knows that we are only human but never should we stay in that kind of mindset. It will only end up hurting us in the end. Bitterness and anger can cause a whole heap more trouble for us than our actual problem both from a physical and spiritual perspective.

There is some really good news however, which we should keep in mind when we find ourselves in terrible circumstance. God says in his word that he will always be with us even in trouble and he has promised to never forsake us. That means he is going to walk us through our unpleasant circumstance ! Just like God the Father walked Jesus through his difficulties so he will do the same for us.

We have to wait though, be patient, never give up and keep on praying. This is the scriptural key to victory! Never giving up! Keep standing in faith! Keep praying and trusting until the victory comes! Just as Jesus was risen from the dead by the power of God so too shall we experience victory. That is if we don’t give up and if we hold on to our faith.

God had promised to make a way out of the wilderness and he always delivers on his promise. Remember that God cannot lie. It’s as impossible for God to say a fib as it is for the moon to fall out of the sky and land in your plate. He cannot lie. It’s a spiritual reality. So, knowing that God is very trustworthy we can keep trusting in him until the darkness flees and we see the light!

Never do we have to succumb to fear, defeat or depression because we know that all things are working together for our good. ALL is ALL!

Now there is nothing written in stone that our prayers will be answered exactly as we want them to be because well, God is God after all. If there is one thing that I have learned it is that I don’t know what is best for me. Left to my own devices I’d be chasing after rabbit trails indefinitely. So, it’s best that I just trust the Lord to work it all out and he will. For faithful is he that has promised!

You too can be assured that the Lord will bring you through every circumstance. He may or may not change the place you are in but one thing you can count on is that he will change you. After all his priority is what’s best for your eternal weight of glory and in the grand scheme of things that’s what matters.

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Wrong Choices Can Work Out for our Good !

Bad choices have bad outcomes !

All we have to do is look at the lives of David, Jacob, Joseph and others in scripture to see that bad choices have bad out comes.

While we can always find forgiveness in Jesus from our sin but he does not erase the consequences we experience for our wrong choices.

David was called to be a ruler but he found out through temptation that he had sin in his heart. Lust, greed, and a sense of privilege.

After David sinned he suffered from his bad choices. He lost a child and ended up in many battles that might not have occurred had he been obedient to God.

Joseph was prideful and boastful. He ended up making enemies because he had a fat head. Where did that get him? In the clink! He had to be humbled in order to find out that he wasn’t such a big shot.

Jacob was a big fibber and could decieve and manipulate others. Those choices of his because of the sin in his heart ended up having him working for a bigger deciever and manipulator than himself !

Do you see a pattern here? Yeah you are right! You reap what you sow !

Spiritual principles are the same as natural principles. You throw a ball in the air and it can land right back down on your head!

There is a reason that Jesus told people he healed, “Go and sin no more lest a worst thing happen to you.”

Our sin will always end up with dire consequences. Wrong choices which usually come from a wrong heart attitude will always work out for our good IF we love God and are called according to his purpose.

When we make wrong choices the Lord reveals to us our heart attitudes that need changing by the consequences of our wrong choices. Want to know what the sin is in your heart ? Just take a look at what you reaped from those wrong choices.

When we see our sin for what it is, we can confess our sins and ask for forgiveness and restoration. BUT if we refuse to look at our sin and keep going in the same direction we will find ourselves in a continual pattern of repeated wrong choices with repeated consequential events.

Sin not dealt with just becomes a cycle of bad attitude, bad choices and bad outcomes.

Now for the dreaded word! REPENTANCE. It is not enough to see our sin and confess our sin. Unless we repent we will perish the Bible tells us.

Repeatedly sinning because of undealt with heart attitudes will have dire consequences for us. We must put our hearts on the altar and have the Lord slay the dragon which rules in our flesh.

Once we acknowledge our sin we can then ask the Lord to help us not to continue in that sin. God gives us power to say no to temptation if we call on him to help us and he can even change our stony heart and make it soft and pliable by his Holy Spirit.

Life is a learning process and it is up to us to yield to the Lord in surrender so that he can make us what he wants us to be. That’s why scriptures tell us that ALL THINGS are working together for our good!

Even our wrong choices can end up revealing to us our heart condition so that we can repent and be changed from one degree of God’s glory into another.

Jeremiah 17:9-10
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

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Many of us know that the seed of God’s word falling on thorny ground does not grow properly because of being choked out by the desire for this world’s goods.

What we don’t take a closer look at is that the seed of God’s word gets drown out also by the cares of this life or merimna in the Greek that translates as distractions.

While we may not be trying to climb the ladder of success in order to get rich or living to gratify our bodily appetites what we do a lot of is let distractions get in the way of our spiritual life.

Yes, this seems to be the big issue we face day to day in trying to maintain a close walk with the Lord.

Satan is a clever rascal. He knows that we probably are not going to buy into get rich quick schemes or raid the fridge to eat all of the left over birthday cake, (after all we have some restraint) but what he does and does a lot is distract us.

Distractions come in various forms. Talking too long on the phone when we are supposed to be praying, watching too many videos instead of reading the word, spending too much time in fellowship with people instead of in communion with the Holy Spirit.

We all do it and then we wonder what happened ! Where is God? Where is his presence? Did I do something wrong?

Well, yeah! We just ignored the Holy Spirit who was tugging at our heart and continued to get carried away with distractions.

Alright! I get it Lord Jesus! Losing a sense of God’s presence is like the hammer that has to fall on my head before I come to my senses.

Now, I’m listening Lord. Distractions! That’s what it is! Dialing heaven for self control!

It’s all a matter of priorities. Do we want to be a vessel ready for the Lord’s use ? Then it means giving up more than just pursuing worldly affairs. It means not letting distractions of life drown out God’s voice. Not letting even seemingly harmless things become more important than our time with God.

Unless we draw from the Holy Spirit in our prayer closet and fill our hearts with his word we will end up being only spiritual duds. All talk and no action. All religion and no anointing.

Distractions drown out the word of God sown by the Holy Spirit into our heart and that’s what we have to be on guard for. Old slew foot knows that distractions are his most powerful weapon against a Christian pursuing after God.

So we just have to say no to his sneaky agenda and ignore those distractions when they come our way. If there is one thing that Satan is afraid of it’s a prayed up filled with the word of God daily Christian.

With the Lord’s help we can make those distractions take a back seat and wait for us.

Don’t let distractions choke out your spiritual destiny!

Luke 18:14

Continue reading “Distractions!”

Servants of Jesus Christ !

We are called to be servants of Jesus Christ and stewards of the gospel. “If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him. ” John 12:26

A servant of Jesus Christ is a faithful follower who dutifully serves him. What did Jesus mean by serve? It means to perform our duties. In other words, the Lord expects us to perform our responsibilities as his disciples that are set out in scriptures according to our own individual gifts and calling.

Since each of us are different and have been given different mandates according to the will of God then we must be faithful to perform all the directives he has given to each of us personally as well as corporately.

A steward is a caretaker of another’s property. Since we are not our own but bought with a price, redeemed by the Lord, all he has given to us, whether; family, friends, church, business, and other responsibilities, belong to him.

Therefore, he expects us to treat those responsibilities as an extension of his grace to us and be good stewards for him in those gifts of grace. ” As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10

Nowadays this is not a popular message even among Christians because the natural minded person wants to live for themselves and follow after their own path. The carnal nature desires things that bring comfort and glory to the flesh which in reality is basically selfish motivation.

Quite the contrary, Jesus said that if we want to be considered a spiritual giant in his kingdom then we must be willing to be last, hidden, and sometimes even get no thanks for the performance for our duties. When we submit to the plan of God in this life we are in effect laying up treasures in the next life.

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. ” Colossians 3:23,24

“The greatest among you shall be your servant.” Matthew 23:11

“For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Jesus Christ. ” Galatians 1:10

The only real freedom is to be IN Jesus Christ and be found having his righteousness, not our own. Our plans needs to be in line with Jesus’ plan for our lives which always have as a central theme the extension of his glorious kingdom.

We are called as good stewards to be hid in Jesus Christ and not going about doing our own thing. We are not our own scriptures tell us ! We have been bought with a price!

The servant and steward have been given Jesus Christ’s authority to fulfill all his will, not our will. The Lord’s agenda must be our agenda! The Lord’s will must be our will!

As good stewards of the kingdom of God we are called to glorify God in all that we do!

Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. ” John 4:23

Are you ready to make Jesus Christ your King today?

“Who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. ” Philippians 2:6,7

The Trial of Your Faith

The testing of our faith will result in blessings if we keep our eyes on Jesus!

1 Peter 1:7 scripture tells us that our faith will be proven or tested by fire and that in eternity it will be shown how much glory our lives brought to the Lord Jesus.

While we know that Satan is the tempter and originator of every evil what is not commonly known is that it is God who is the one that proves our faith in every trial that we encounter.

We can see this in John chapter 6 when Jesus had a large crowd expecting to be fed and he asked his disciple Phillip, “Where shall we buy bread, that these people may eat?”

Then the scriptures say that Jesus said this to PROVE him. In other words to test his faith.

So from this we can see that when we are up against an impossible situation the Lord Jesus may say to us, “Well, what are we going to do ?”

In other words, “Do you believe I am able? Are you going to have faith in me for this one?” Jesus asks.

Phillip looked at the situation and saw a whole bunch of people needing to eat and not enough money to buy anything.

That’s what we do when we come up against a situation that looks pretty hopeless. “Lord Jesus what are we going to do ?”

John tells us that Jesus knew all along what he was going to do but he asked Phillip the question in order to prove his faith. Do you really believe that I am the Messiah of Israel? Well, if you do then why are you doubting?

Then another disciple had a plan. Andrew says, “There is a boy here, which has five barley loaves, and two small fishes: BUT what are they among so many?”

In other words Andrew saw a solution but his vision was limited. We have the means BUT the problem is so big!

Here we have a disciple who can’t wrap his head around the problem because he does not trust in the Lord Jesus. Notice that Phillip’s solution was “If we only had more money!”

How many of us think that if we just had an increase in finances all our problems would go away?

Then we have another disciple who knows that Jesus is able to use what we have but he can’t see how that could possibly come about.

Jesus we know is able to supply our needs but our faith is small. We see a small loaf and a small fish. The problem is bigger than our small amount of faith.

What does Jesus do to fix the situation? He makes every one sit down and give thanks! Wait a minute! You mean we can do nothing? Just sit at Jesus’ feet and give thanks? Exactly!

When the problem is beyond our means then we just have to put our trust solely in the Lord Jesus!

After Jesus gave thanks he took the loaves and fishes and distributed it to the disciples. The disciples gave to the people.

When we put our trust in the Lord Jesus and continue to praise him and give thanks for the answer to our problems, as we sit at his feet in prayer seeking his face, putting our trust in him, then the Lord Jesus will come through for us. He will always makes a way where there seems to be no way.

Notice that as the disciples recieved their miracle they gave out from that miracle. It is important to give out of what God gives to us! The more you give to others the more blessings the Lord will give to you. It’s a continual flowing of divine provision.

Have you got a great testimony? A revelation? A financial break through? A compassionate heart for the lost? Whatever the Lord has multiplied to you when you give out to others just like recorded in John’s testimony you will have nothing lost on that day when you stand before the Lord Jesus Christ. In fact you will have so much left over that your store house will over flow.

After your faith is tested by fire and proven faithful with miracles occurring in your life, ultimately you will bring glory to Jesus Christ.

Those seeing your life of faith in the Messiah Jesus Christ will say, “Of a truth, this is a child of God! “

Are you in need of a miracle from Jesus today? Then sit at his feet and thank him ! Praise him for he is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that you ask or even think! Wait patiently on the Lord Jesus for he will take the impossible and turn it into a miracle!


Truth Produces Faith !

God’s word produces faith because the truth sets us free!

According to 1 Thessalonians 2:13 when we receive the word of God, as truth, then the word of God, will effectually works in us who believe it.

To work effectually in the Greek is energeō which means to be ferverently and effectively active.

So in other words if we believe the scriptures as truth in our hearts then the word of God is able to produce an outcome or result with intensity and passion.

The key to this effective ferverent working of God’s word to produce a desired outcome for us is to BELIEVE.

What does it mean to believe? The word believe in this verse is translated pisteuō which means to have faith, trust and confidence in.

How do we get this faith, trust and confidence in?

Roman’s 10:17 says faith comes by HEARING And HEARING BY THE WORD OF GOD.

Wait a minute ! You mean in order to believe the word of God I must hear the word of God and believe it? Yes, you see unless the word that you hear is mixed with faith it will not bring you any profit. You can be a hearer but not a doer of the word of God the Bible says.

So you must hear the word of God being proclaimed AND then you must understand what you are hearing. Holy Spirit revelation or rhema is what produces faith.

Faith comes by hearing or inclining your ear to hear and hearing or the ability to hear as receiving truth comes by the rhema or living word of God through the Holy Spirit.

Head knowledge or theological education does not produce faith. Holy Spirit revelation of God’s word is what produces faith.

So how do I get this Holy Spirit revelation of God’s word? By inclining your ear! Reading the Bible with your ear open to heaven. Listening to the Holy Spirit as he opens your understanding to his truth.

This requires frequent visits to the secret place of the most High or as Jesus put it entering into your prayer closet.

As we pray that our understanding may be enlightened and that we can know what is the hope of our calling and the riches of the inheritance of the Saints. Then the Holy Spirit will reveal to us his word and when our understanding is enlightened we will receive manna from heaven or rhema. THEN faith will come ! ( Ephesians 1:18 )

Remember that Jesus was walking with his disciples after his resurrection and they didn’t know him UNTIL he opened their understanding and expounded to them the scriptures. (Luke 24:27)

When Faith comes by receiving rehma then the word revealed to you will begin to
work effectually and fervently to produce the desired result.

What are you desiring from the Lord Jesus? Healing? Provision? Sanctification? Deliverence? Whatever it is the answer is in the Bible. Read the scriptures concerning your need and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal his truth to you about the matter by enlightening your understanding.

Then when faith comes for your need wait patiently for God to effectually work his word to manifest the desired outcome!