Correction in Righteousness !

It is not with a big stick that the Lord Jesus brings correction . Sometimes we are under the impression that the Lord is going to lambaste us or others who are not walking in his truth. We have a tit for tat understanding of God but this simply is not the case. God does want to bring correction in our lives but with the motive of love not with revenge. (Hebrews 12:6)

The Lord Jesus only allows harsh learning repercussions to come our way when we continue to resist him through willful disobedience but that is only a last resort. (Romans 2:8)

When we pray for others to come to the knowledge of the truth, God answers our prayers according to his ways and methods as set out in scriptures. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

We need to realize that people often behave according to their predisposed beliefs which may be incorrect. These beliefs if they cause hurt to others need to be addressed and the Lord may use us to bring a corrective word into someone’s life. We need to do this in humility because we are not always right about everything either. ( Galatians 6:1)

Our traditional ways of seeing things may not necessarily be truth and this can be difficult for us to swallow. Our pride gets bruised or our sacred idol gets a good thrashing when being challenged in our ideas. (Roman’s 11:20)

When challenging the wrong ideas of others it may not be well received at first. People often make a big fuss when truth is shared with them. From a wrong perspective people often are defending what is sacred and holy to them. They may see truth as an intruder which is walking on their preconceive ideas of what is good or right in their eyes.

The messenger of truth may get attacked. (Proverbs 21:2) God’s truth is perceived by some as a threat to ideas long held.

Unless we admit we have been wrong about certain things we will continue on in our deception and in the end we will suffer the consequences of our error. With lies comes bondage and recompense for wrong thinking which results in doing wrong actions. These wrong actions can cause damage to other people’s lives as well as our own. (Jeremiah 7:8)

When we don’t want to give up our golden calf of ideas the Lord Jesus will allow us to go through rough times. A wilderness experience is a method used by God to bring us to repentance and acknowledging of the truth. Believing lies have consequences. It can result in us being chastised which often can results in nothing in our lives seeming to work out. We are just going around in circles. (Exodus 13)

Satan is the father of lies. He knows how to wrap lies up in deceptive packages that we get duped in to thinking are truth. (John 8:44)

Unbelievers and Christians without revelation in a certain area due to Satan’s deception often think that the one who is bringing correction are actually out to get them. This may not be the case.

We need to examine the word being said to us and humble ourselves enough to see if there just might be any truth to what is being pointed out. People can often see faults in us that we are too blindsided to see. (Hosea 4:6)

At other times we may be in truth but the person opposing us may be in deception. That is why Jesus said, “Forgive them Father because they do not understand what they are doing.” (Like 23:24)

People who attack do so because their preconceived ideas of truth are being challenged. Most people will fight for what they think is true and not for a blatant lie. That is why it is important that we pray for truth to be revealed by the Holy Spirit through scriptures. (Ephesians 1:17)

Belief systems contrary to the Bible need to be rejected once truth is revealed to us. We may have been taught wrong. Scriptures taken out of context and not compared with other scriptures may only be partial truth or subjective truth. God’s word is our measuring stick for it is above every other word. This includes worldly wisemen and theological wisemen. (Psalms 138:2 2 Corinthians 1:20 Roman’s 3:4 )

Jesus through his word exposes Satan’s lies. When that old devil says, “Has God really said?” we should have a red flag go up right away.

Satan is in fact saying “God doesn’t mean really this what he really means is that. Distorting scriptures or disregarding them altogether are Satan’s major strategy of deception. (Genesis 3, Mathew 4:6)

How can we know if we are in the truth?

By examining scriptures in light of the Holy Spirit’s revelation through prayer, research of the original language content, historical context and bearing witness with our spirit. (2 Corinthians 2:23, Acts 17:11, Ephesians 1:17, James 1:5)

If our ideas go against the conscience or inner prompting of the Holy Spirit and also scriptural reference they need to be immediately rejected. (Roman’s 8:16)

Outside knowledge if it is not within biblical context should be rejected for God’s word is above man’s word. Even if taught by a popular denomination or ministry. (Roman’s 3:4 )

With a change of mind will come a change of attitude. Truth sets us free! (Roma8:31, 32)

God calls us in his word to demolish strongholds of the mind contray to his word. (2 Corinthians 10:4)

Through the Bible and through prayer the Lord Jesus will lead us into all truth. Especially if we are seeking for his truth and not just to confirm our preconceived ideas of what truth is. (John 16:13 )

Correction from God comes to us in love. In other words from a motive of wanting us to be set free through truth.

Jesus says that he is the light, the way and the truth. Scriptures tell us that the Lord gently leads us into all truth. When someone is nice about bringing us a word of correction it’s much easier to handle. A word in season even if its corrective is pleasant when it’s brought in kindness.
(2 Timothy 2 Colossians 3:13-23)

Once we get revelation by the Holy Spirit of his truth then we are better able to repent of our error. No one wants a wilderness experience and that is what ends up happening if we reject God’s word. (Deuteronomy 28, leviticus 26, Isaiah 1:19)

The only big stick that we ever get when we are wrong is the one we knock ourselves out with when we don’t listen to correction and end up finding out the truth the hard way.

The Lord Jesus wants us to take heed to correction and have all our crooked ways made straight because he loves us. (Isaiah 45:2)

Are you having a wilderness experience in your life right now? Maybe you don’t have truth about a matter. Ask the Lord Jesus to show you for he has promised to give wisdom to those who ask him. (James 1:5)

A wise man listens to advice but a fool goes on and is punished.” (Proverbs 12:15)

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