Blessed By the Lord

Psalm 1 reveals how we can walk in God’s blessings.

Contrary to what some teach, being blessed by God is not an automatic response to salvation. 

While Christians are saved by grace through faith we still have to grow up in the knowledge of God. (Colossians 1:10)

Growing in the knowledge of God means learning about how the kingdom of God works. 

Lack of knowledge pertaining to kingdom principles causes God’s people to be destroyed. (Hosea 4:6) 

Destroyed in the Hebrew is dâmâh. It means to fail, perish, be cut off, silenced, utterly undone. 

Some Christians who have experienced failure refuse to get over their offense. They may have been taught improperly or hurt by grievous wolves twisting scripture. Instead of admitting failure due to ignorance some because of offense will omit scriptures or cherry pick scriptures rather than admit they were wrong.

Failing at something in life should cause us to seek the Lord for answers. What happened? Where did I go wrong? What did I miss?

According to Psalm 1 there are certain prerequisites for being blessed by the Lord which are are not always monetary. 

Psalm 1 tells us how we can prosper in God’s kingdom. 

Psalm 1 says blessed is the person that does not walk in the counsel (takes advice from) the ungodly. 

This is the first principle of being blessed by the Lord. 

God’s word is above every one else’s word. If God said it in the scriptures then it’s true. Regardless of evidences to the contrary because those “evidences” could be the expression of a faulty response to truth. 

For example. Many churches do not teach or preach healing from their pulpits. Consequently no healing takes place in those churches. 

Some churches don’t preach about salvation. Then they wonder why no souls are getting saved. 

Scriptures clearly tell us that God’s works FOLLOW the preaching of the word. 

Whatever you preach about or talk about is what the Holy Spirit will perform in your midst. Whatever you ask for you will get. 

Remember that Jesus literally asked a blind man what he wanted from him. (Mark 10:51) It’s an important spiritual principle, to ask specifically. 

Adhering to secular wisdom rather than Biblical wisdom will prevent God’s blessings from coming into your life. Many times secular wisdom is contrary to the word of God. 

Some Christians put secular reasoning above the Bible. Science is not static. It changes all the time and some times it is wrong. Neither does humanistic ideology benefit the hearers. It has no power to perform miracles.

Putting trust in men’s wisdom can lead to ship wreck of our faith. 

God’s word is above every word. It is “yes and amen” regardless of whether it is believed or not.

An important point to mention is that knowing God’s truth through revelation and experience does not give us the right to condemn others who don’t know what we know. 

The law of love leaves someone in their ignorance if they are not open to the authority of scriptures. 

However, due to incorrect interpretation or outright denial of a scriptural precedent its best to not walk too close with those mindsets. 

People who have to explain away everything Jesus said are not beneficial to our spiritual life. Christian or not. 

Truth hurts sometimes but I’m going to say it anyway. Rejecting scriptures that blatantly tell us something is calling God a liar. 

The next principle for prospering in God’s blessings is to not stand in the way of sinners. That means not walking the way ungodly people walk. Not following their behavior patterns. 

If God condemns something in the scriptures then it’s best to agree with his word and avoid the behavior. 

Some non Christians and even Christians blatantly adhere to non biblical ways of thinking and doing. They believe that God will overlook or even support their disobedience to his word. That is so not true. 

When we are disobedient to the word of God written plain as day then we will reap the whirl wind sooner or later. 

All of us have fallen short and all of us have faced consequences for our disobedience. But thank God he is a redeemer. When we confess our sin and turn from it then God will forgive and restore us. 

Another principle for receiving blessing from the Lord is to avoid taking a seat among the scornful. That means not hanging around with scoffers who don’t believe God’s word or respect it. Unbelief is like a cancer. It’s spreads. 

Jesus said, “be careful what you hear”. (listen to) Mark 4:24

To recap. Psalms 1 tells us that Blessed are those who: 

  1. Put God’s word above every other word.

2. Avoid living ungodly. 

3. Don’t hang with scoffers who deny God’s word. 

Psalm 1 then goes on to tell us that if we do these things then we will have the following blessings.  

We will be like a tree planted by streams of water. 

Interestingly enough but when trees are planted by river banks they keep the soil from eroding into sediment which causes pollution. In other words a life continually washed by the water of the word keeps us from corruption.

Trees planted by streams of water also provide shade to help animals from being exposed to heat. This helps both vegetation and animals flourish. 

Being watered by the word of Jesus Christ is beneficial for the growth of others. They will benefit from being in our presence as we reflect God’s goodness.

Watered continually with God’s word we will make us bear fruit at the right season. Our fruit will be a blessing not only to us but also to others. They will through our witness taste the goodness of the Lord.

Lastly whatever we do will prosper.

When our plans are committed to the Lord he will bring them to pass. The Lord will bless our lives when we go in and when we go out. Everything we do will prosper.

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