Occupy Till I come

In Luke Chapter 19 Jesus is talking to his disciples about the coming kingdom of God.

The disciples were excited about the Kingdom of Messiah being established in the earth. They thought that it was going to be realized in their day.  While Jesus taught principles of the kingdom of God, he told the disciples that his earthy kingdom was coming in the future.

In the meantime, Jesus told his disciples to occupy until he comes back to establish his kingdom in the earth. Jesus relayed a parable about a man who sets his servants in charge of his estate while he goes away on a journey. In the story the Lord gives each of his servants some money to put to use on his behalf while he goes away. Before he leaves, the Lord gives his servants this one instruction. “Occupy till I come.”

Occupy in the Greek is pragmateuomai which means to keep busy. To carry on with business.

To occupy is also a military term. It means to control and possess a hostile territory in order for the invading Kingdom to establish a military government against an enemy within the enemy’s own territory.

The Romans were in occupation in many different nations including Israel. During Jesus’ lifetime the Romans occupied Israel. The disciples were anxious to see this occupation come to an end. Jesus however uses as an analogy the term occupy to explain to his disciples that in the same way that the Romans were occupying their land they too were called to occupy in the world’s system or the kingdom of Satan until Jesus would return to rule and reign over the earth.  

Satan’s kingdom is organized in much the same way as the Roman empire. It has a system of hierarchies, military, and clergy. These principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world control behind the scenes the worldly affairs of men. They are busy trying to organize and implement the anti Christ system ruled by the satans under their leader Lucifer, who will manifest in earthy form in the near future as the “man of sin”.

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

Today the Roman empire is still ruling in the world but under a different title. It is now called globalism. The ruling class within globalism are the elites, the military class which have their armies stationed in almost every nation, and the Roman religion.

The Roman religion consists of all apostate organizations which have a unified coalition in which they are knowingly and some even unknowingly furthering the interfaith universalistic movement which will and is headed up by the false prophet as foretold in scripture.


Jesus’ instruction to his disciples was to occupy until he comes back to establish his kingdom in the earth. Does that mean take up arms and fight with carnal weapons? No, it does not!

In fact, Jesus condemned the use of carnal weapons to battle spiritual realties.  

We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. 2 Corinthians 10:4

Ephesians Chapter 6 gives us the weapons of our warfare. We are to put on the full armor of God to fight the good fight of faith.

Our assignment is to occupy till Jesus comes back. That is to restrain evil by the Holy Spirit in us through prayer, exposing darkness, setting captives free and declaring the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Occupation is spiritual warfare against spiritual realities.  

Have nothing to do with the deeds produced by darkness, but instead expose them. Ephesians 5:11

When the powers of darkness are restrained by prayer the gospel can go forth, evil will be restrained, and the light of God’s glory will be made evident through his disciples!

Occupy till he comes!

 We will always praise your glorious name. Let your glory be seen everywhere on earth. Amen and amen. Psalms 72:19


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